more clarity
for successful leadership

As a coach I work with people in leadership roles. I support you in your role as a leader with all its challenges.

Coaching with business background

In our collaboration I will offer my broad experience in different businesses and cultures as well as a lot of personal passion. My way of working is driven by pragmatism – whatever works is relevant. And most times it will take just a few sessions to create your individual solution …

Coaching Perspektive

Clarity created

In the stretch between client first, commercial success and strong people orientation each one is confronted with new challenges and trade offs over and over again. With many of these challenges a coaching can be useful.

Topics – anything goes

As a coach I can work with you on all issues and challenges that you might bring. Nevertheless some of them I do see quite frequently:

Who am I?
Roles and positioning

Organizations get more complex while expectations regarding flexibility, autonomy, responsibility and new ways of working are growing. This requires a clear attitude as a leader. Coaching will support you to find your role and position – internal and external.

Rollenfindung und Coaching

And what know? –
Crisis and uncertainty

As a leader your colleagues are expecting guidance and solutions from you – even if there are challenges new to everyone or if proven strategies of the past do not work well anymore. Coaching might help to find your personal approach to deal with the unknown.

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